I like the monochromatic approach to the colour treatment in this particular poster, I'm not so sold in the treatment of the text however, it could use a bit more work. A small example of the "Ensemble" approach from the blog I posted earlier.

In this poster I quite like the use of negative space at the top, having all of the action of the image taking place in the lower quarter of the image. This is a textbook example of the "Ensemble" style of poster.

I like the sense of mystery and foreboding that this poster presents. Only seeing the silhouette of the characters along with the tag line at the top makes us want to know what is going on. This poster would fall under the "Monochromatic" category.

The use of high contrast, the broken up image of the building on the island, the raging storm, and the mysterious lighting on the main actors face all lend themselves to the idea of mystery and intrigue quite well. This poster is an example of the "Solitary Hero" style.

There is always a sense of not knowing whats going on when presented with the image of a person not facing the camera. This factor, along with the point that he is standing in water in the middle of a city, and the tagline of "Your mind is the scene of the crime" all make us wonder what is truly happening here. I quite like the monochromatic approach to the colours which allows the title to actually stand out a little more. This poster is a cross between the "Monochromatic" and "Solitary Hero" type posters.